10 Powerful Heart Chakra Affirmations 

The heart chakra is perhaps the most important chakra to have clear, so powerful heart chakra affirmations are in order, among other things.

The Heart Chakra

The heart chakra, according to Caroline Myss in her book Anatomy of the Spirit, is the most critical of your energy centers for self-love and compassion.

The Divine Chakras

The divine chakras are your upper three chakras, from the top down, the ones that connect to the divine.

The Earthly Chakras

Your earthly chakras are the chakras that root you into the earth and all of life upon it.

The Heart Is at the Center

And the heart is at the center of it all, three steps down from the crown and three steps up from the root.

Healing the Mother Wound

At the center of much of our heart chakra trouble is a deep, cut, bruised mother wound.

Heart Chakra Affirmations Meditation

To continue your work and support it, sit in heart chakra meditation practice each morning.

Heart Chakra Affirmations

As you come out of meditation and go through your day with love and light, repeat one from this list of heart chakra affirmations to yourself, and consider writing down the ones that hold the most meaning on affirmation cards so you can look at them often.