Furthermore, once you connect with your higher self, this all knowing, all being, all powerful energy, you will be reluctant to ask silly questions like “how can I get my ex boyfriend to love me?”
What Should I Have for Breakfast?
I’m sitting here now craving a cookie in the other room, and when I think “should I go get the cookie?”
What Should I Have for Breakfast?
I’m sitting here now craving a cookie in the other room, and when I think “should I go get the cookie?”
Where Should I Go Today?
A wonderful question for your higher self is where to go.
Who Should I Call?
There are days when you think you should make a phone call to someone.
How Should I Love Myself Today?
And every single day, after meditation, think about the ways in which you will love yourself.
Should I Work or Rest?
Not for the sake of working hard, not for the sake of resting in between work periods.
What Movie Should I See?
Seriously, this one and the book one below are incredible forms of communication with spirit.
What Book Should I Buy?
As above, a book can inspire you to do great things, big and small, so head into a bookstore and wander the shelves.
How Can I Be of Service?
As a mother, wife, daughter, writer, friend, cousin, sister, and so much more, I am in an almost constant state of service.
What Am I Meant to Do with My Life Right Now?
Sit with yourself, think about what you really want, your big goals, and then ask for guidance on where to start.
Where Is My Work?
Like with the question above, leave yourself open, and take baby steps along the way.