Healing crystals and healing stones, use powerful energetic properties to help us cope with stressful times.
Each of these 11 crystals is a great choice to use when you want to get rid of bad vibes.
Hematite is used as an essential stone for “grounding” throughout the length of your spiritual journey.
Black Tourmaline is an excellent stone to help you find harmony. This crystal can help bring balance to your root chakra.
Blue lace agate is one of the strongest stones for confronting stress, lack of mental focus, and anxiety.
All quartz crystals are considered “clarification stones” with Smoky Quartz being most effective at revealing troubling thinking patterns.
Clear Quartz is considered the purest of the “clarification stones” and should be used for anything that requires absolute clarity of mind.
This stone carries a deep blue color and can be used as an effective anti-stress and anti-anxiety stone, by increasing understanding.
Citrine is commonly known to promote a sense of cheerfulness in whoever bears it. It can also help when you're suffering from low self-esteem.
Known to strengthen a sense of courage and confidence in the wearer, this stone is also associated with the heart and solar plexus chakra.
Coming from the heart of a volcano, this can interact with all chakras to strengthen and enhance the spiritual profile of one who holds it.
A beautiful stone that occurs in a myriad of colors, it is used for a variety of emotional and physical healing properties. It is considered one of the main healing crystals.
Amazonite is a wonderful stone for releasing toxic energy and promoting feelings of tranquility and wellness.
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