What Are the Signs of a High Vibration?

What are the signs of a high vibration? High vibrations are not easy to find these days. Everyone seems to be upset, worried, stressed, angry, or depressed. Or just sleepwalking through life.

What Are the Signs of a High Vibration?

For those of us trying to “find the others,” it is helpful to know what we are looking for.

What Is a High Vibration?

The signs of a high vibration are easy to recognize once you know what you’re looking for.

What Is a High Vibration?

But what even is a high vibration, and why should you go looking for it?

Energy Is Everything

You see, I’m just too logical to believe in that vengeful, fickle, preferential God. It makes no sense.

Energy Is Everything

There is no sense in the idea that God would have a chosen people among all of his creations.

We Are the Gods We Have Been Waiting for

It makes no logical sense that we are born as a result of some purely scientific evolutionary process, that we are merely meat suits, and that when we die nothing happens.

We Are the Gods We Have Been Waiting for

There is far too large a body of evidence that we are energetically connected to everything else.

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