Make Tarot Reading Part of Your Morning Routine 

Tarot reading is one of my all-time favorite forms of divination.

Make Tarot Reading Part of Your Morning Routine 

So of course I build it into my daily routine, and even more importantly, into my daily routine.

Make Tarot Reading Part of Your Morning Routine 

Anything we make a daily routine becomes a habit, and anything that becomes a habit embeds itself into our subconscious.

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

I remember a while back everyone was talking about how it takes 30 days to form a habit.

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

Then it was 21 days

Then it was 10,000 hours to become an expert.

Seeking the Divine

You’ve heard the Rumi quote, “what you seek is seeking you?”

Seeking the Divine

That is classic law of attraction right there.

The Clairs

Mat Auryn, in his book Psychic Witch, outlines the clairs well.

The Clairs

He notes that each one of us humans is born with four metaphysical senses as much as we are born with our five physical senses.

Mastering Your Craft

Once you accept that we are all born with these supernatural gifts, and that for some of us, a single gift is stronger than others, you can begin to work on honing your skills.

Mastering Your Craft

Just like with our natural gifts, we must practice our craft to master it.

Want To Learn How To Manifest?

Want To Learn How To Manifest?

Click below to get the (totally free) Beginner's Guide To Manifesting Anything You Want.


Moon Rituals
purple and white flower petals

Want to learn more? Click the stories above to unlock your inner witch!