Things You Should Never Do on Friday the 13th
Friday the 13th is often considered an unlucky day, and many people believe that certain actions can attract bad luck. Here are some things you should never do on Friday the 13th so you can avoid bad luck.

Things You Should Never Do on Friday the 13th
Don’t start new projects: Many people believe that starting new projects on Friday the 13th will bring bad luck and lead to failure. So, it’s best to avoid starting new projects on this day.
Don’t get married: According to superstition, getting married on Friday the 13th is considered bad luck and will lead to a unhappy marriage.
Don’t travel: Traveling on Friday the 13th is considered bad luck and can lead to delays and accidents.
Don’t cut your hair or nails: Cutting your hair or nails on Friday the 13th is considered bad luck and can lead to a loss of strength or energy.
Don’t sign contracts or make major decisions: Signing contracts or making major decisions on Friday the 13th is considered bad luck and can lead to negative consequences.
Don’t open an umbrella indoors: Opening an umbrella indoors on Friday the 13th is considered bad luck and can lead to a string of bad luck.
Don’t break mirrors: Breaking mirrors on Friday the 13th is considered bad luck and can lead to seven years of bad luck.

Don’t walk under ladders: Walking under ladders on Friday the 13th is considered bad luck and can lead to accidents or bad luck.
Don’t clean your house: Cleaning your house on Friday the 13th is considered bad luck and can lead to a string of bad luck.
Don’t lend or borrow money: Lending or borrowing money on Friday the 13th is considered bad luck and can lead to financial troubles.
Don’t cross a black cat’s path: Crossing a black cat’s path on Friday the 13th is considered bad luck and can lead to a string of bad luck.

Don’t ignore the number 13: Ignoring the number 13 on Friday the 13th is considered bad luck and can lead to a string of bad luck.
Don’t ignore the superstitions: Ignoring the superstitions associated with Friday the 13th is considered bad luck and can lead to a string of bad luck.
It’s important to note that these superstitions are not based on any scientific evidence, and many people do not believe in them. However, it’s not bad to be aware of these superstitions and make conscious decisions on Friday the 13th. Remember, it’s all about perception, if you believe that something will bring you bad luck, then it probably will. It’s all about being mindful of the actions you take on Friday the 13th, and it’s up to you to decide whether or not to follow these superstitions.