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The Surprising Way to Attract Abundance: A Money Bowl

Are you ready to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life? One simple and effective way to do this is by creating a money bowl.

A money bowl is a physical manifestation of your intention to attract abundance and prosperity. It’s a tool that can help you focus your energy and manifest your goals.

Transform Your Life with a Money Bowl

In this post, we’ll walk you through the steps for creating your own money bowl and how it can help attract abundance into your life.

What is a Money Bowl?

A money bowl is a small bowl or dish that you fill with items that symbolize abundance, prosperity, and financial success.

These items can be anything that holds personal meaning for you, such as coins, crystals, or trinkets. The idea is to create a physical space that serves as a reminder of your intention to attract abundance.

Many people believe that placing these items in the bowl and focusing on them regularly can help manifest abundance in their lives.

Some people even go as far as to include a written statement of their intention, such as “I am worthy of abundance” or “I am open to receiving prosperity.”

How to Make a Money Bowl

Creating your own money bowl is easy and only requires a few simple steps:

  1. Gather materials. You’ll need a small bowl or dish to use as the base of your money bowl. You can use any type of bowl or dish you like, as long as it’s small enough to fit on a tabletop or shelf. You’ll also need a variety of items to fill the bowl, such as coins, crystals, or trinkets.
  2. Choose your items. Select items that hold personal meaning for you and that symbolize abundance, prosperity, and financial success. You can choose items you already own or purchase new items specifically for your money bowl.

Some popular choices for money bowl items include:

  • Coins: Any type of coin can be used in a money bowl, but gold and silver coins are especially popular because of their association with wealth.
  • Crystals: Certain crystals are believed to have properties that can attract abundance, such as citrine, green aventurine, and pyrite.
  • Trinkets: You can also include small trinkets or figurines representing abundance and prosperity. This could be anything from a tiny elephant (a symbol of good luck) to a figurine of a person holding a bag of money.
  1. Place your items in the bowl. Once you’ve selected your items, arrange them in the bowl in a way that feels pleasing to you. You can place them in a specific pattern or simply scatter them randomly.
  2. Set your intention. Take a moment to set your intention for your money bowl. This could be as simple as saying to yourself, “I am worthy of abundance” or “I am open to receiving prosperity.” You can also write your intention down on a small piece of paper and place it in the bowl if you like.
  3. Display your money bowl. Place your money bowl on a tabletop or shelf where you’ll see it regularly. You can place it in a spot where it will catch your eye as you walk by, or you can dedicate a specific spot in your home to your money bowl.

The Benefits of Using a Money Bowl

Using a money bowl as a tool for manifestation has a number of benefits. Here are a few ways that a money bowl can help attract abundance into your life:

  • Provides a focal point for your intentions
  • Increases your awareness of abundance: By having a physical representation of abundance in your space, you are constantly reminded of your intention to attract prosperity and abundance. This can increase your awareness of opportunities and abundance in your daily life.
  • Helps you stay focused and motivated: Seeing your money bowl every day can help keep you motivated to achieve your financial goals. It can serve as a reminder to take positive actions towards attracting abundance and prosperity.
  • Aids in manifestation: Many people believe that the act of placing items in the money bowl and focusing on them regularly can help to manifest abundance in their lives. By setting your intention and focusing on your money bowl, you can harness the power of manifestation to bring abundance into your life.

Enhancing Your Money Bowl Experience

You can take a few additional steps to enhance the power of your money bowl and increase your chances of attracting abundance. Here are a few ideas:

  • Regularly add to your money bowl: As you achieve financial goals or come across items that symbolize abundance, add them to your money bowl. This can help keep your money bowl energized and your intentions strong.
  • Take care of your money bowl: Treat your money bowl with respect and care. Clean it regularly and handle it with intention. This can help to maintain the positive energy of your money bowl.
  • Get creative: There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to creating a money bowl. Get creative and have fun with it! You can add items like pictures of your financial goals, notes of gratitude for abundance, or even small notes with positive affirmations.


A money bowl is a simple and effective tool for attracting abundance into your life.

By creating your own money bowl and setting your intention, you can manifest your financial goals and bring prosperity to your everyday.

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