The Star Card in Tarot: Interpretations with the Major Arcana
The interpretation of The Star card in combination with each of the other Major Arcana cards in a Tarot reading can be as follows:

- Star & The Fool: having hope and a positive outlook in the face of new beginnings and uncertainty.
- Star & The Magician: having the ability and confidence to manifest one’s dreams and desires.
- Star & The High Priestess: having intuition and a spiritual connection that guides one towards hope and renewal.
- Star & The Empress: having stability and abundance in one’s home and family life.
- Star & The Emperor: having a strong sense of authority and control in one’s life.
- Star & The Hierophant: having a deep connection to one’s spiritual beliefs and values.
- Star & The Lovers: having a fulfilling and meaningful relationship.
- Star & The Chariot: having a strong sense of direction and purpose in one’s life journey.
- Star & Strength: having inner strength and resilience to overcome challenges and difficulties.
- Star & The Hermit: finding peace and solitude in the midst of one’s own inner light.
- Star & The Wheel of Fortune: experiencing a positive change in luck and circumstances.
- Star & Justice: having fairness and balance in one’s life and relationships.
- Star & The Hanged Man: having a different perspective and a new way of looking at things.
- Star & Death: undergoing a transformative change that brings renewal and rebirth.
- Star & Temperance: finding balance and harmony in one’s life and relationships.
- Star & The Devil: breaking free from negative patterns and limitations.
- Star & The Tower: having hope in the face of upheaval and change.
- Star & The Moon: facing fear and uncertainty with a sense of hope and faith.
- Star & The Sun: experiencing positivity and happiness in one’s life and relationships.
- Star & Judgement: feeling a sense of renewal and redemption for past actions.
- Star & The World: having a sense of completion and fulfillment in one’s life journey and sense of self.