The Sun Card in Tarot: Interpretations with the Major Arcana
The interpretation of The Sun card in combination with each of the other Major Arcana cards in a Tarot reading can be as follows:

- Sun & The Fool: having a sense of new beginnings, playfulness and optimism.
- Sun & The Magician: having a sense of creativity, self-expression and personal power.
- Sun & The High Priestess: having a strong intuition and inner guidance that brings happiness and fulfillment.
- Sun & The Empress: having stability and abundance in one’s home and family life.
- Sun & The Emperor: feeling a sense of control, authority and stability in one’s life.
- Sun & The Hierophant: having a strong connection to one’s spiritual beliefs and values.
- Sun & The Lovers: having a harmonious and fulfilling relationship.
- Sun & The Chariot: feeling a sense of direction, purpose and forward momentum in one’s life journey.
- Sun & Strength: having inner strength and resilience in the face of challenges.
- Sun & The Hermit: having a sense of inner guidance and self-discovery.
- Sun & The Wheel of Fortune: experiencing positive changes and good fortune in one’s life circumstances.
- Sun & Justice: having balance, fairness and a sense of rightness in one’s life and relationships.
- Sun & The Hanged Man: feeling a sense of surrender and letting go of old patterns.
- Sun & Death: undergoing a transformative change that brings new opportunities and growth.
- Sun & Temperance: having balance, harmony and moderation in one’s life and relationships.
- Sun & The Devil: breaking free from negative patterns and limitations in one’s life.
- Sun & The Tower: experiencing a sense of liberation and renewal after a period of upheaval and chaos.
- Sun & The Star: having a sense of hope, inspiration and renewal in one’s life.
- Sun & The Moon: having a sense of stability and clarity in the face of uncertainty and fear.
- Sun & Judgement: feeling a sense of renewal and a new beginning after a period of self-reflection and introspection.
- Sun & The World: feeling a sense of completion, accomplishment and a sense of fulfilment in one’s life journey and sense of self.