The Temperance Card in Tarot: Interpretations with the Major Arcana
The interpretation of the Temperance card in combination with each of the other Major Arcana cards in a Tarot reading can be as follows:

- Temperance & The Fool: finding balance in new and unpredictable situations.
- Temperance & The Magician: using one’s abilities to bring about balance and harmony.
- Temperance & The High Priestess: relying on intuition and inner guidance to maintain balance.
- Temperance & The Empress: nurturing and caring for oneself and others to bring about balance.
- Temperance & The Emperor: using authority and structure to maintain balance.
- Temperance & The Hierophant: finding spiritual balance through tradition and guidance.
- Temperance & The Lovers: making choices that promote balance and harmony in relationships.
- Temperance & The Chariot: using determination and willpower to balance opposing forces.
- Temperance & Strength: finding inner strength and balance in the face of challenges.
- Temperance & The Hermit: seeking solitude and reflection to maintain inner balance.
- Temperance & The Wheel of Fortune: recognizing that balance is a natural part of life’s ups and downs.
- Temperance & Justice: finding balance and fairness in decision making.
- Temperance & The Hanged Man: finding a new perspective and balance through letting go.
- Temperance & Death: finding balance in the midst of change and transformation.
- Temperance & The Devil: balancing temptations and negative impulses.
- Temperance & The Tower: finding stability in the midst of sudden and disruptive change.
- Temperance & The Star: finding hope and inspiration to maintain balance during difficult times.
- Temperance & The Moon: facing fear and uncertainty while maintaining inner balance.
- Temperance & The Sun: finding clarity and optimism in a balanced state of mind.
- Temperance & Judgement: making fair and balanced evaluations and decisions.
- Temperance & The World: embracing the completion of a cycle and finding balance in the bigger picture.