13 Crystals For Aries: Just Ram It
While we have known for centuries that the zodiac can be a useful tool to help us mere mortals to make sense of our lives and our relationships with others, this process can be made even more powerful with the addition of the correct crystals for our particular zodiac sign..
In addition to their known medicinal value, crystals, minerals, and precious stones have long been thought to possess strong energetic and spiritual qualities as well.

By combining the internal and external insight provided by the zodiac, with the energetic and spiritual healing qualities of crystals, and stones we can achieve a far greater balance, and understanding of our lives, and our relationships with the world and the people in it, and better align ourselves within the whole.
Let’s delve deeper into the star sign of Aries, and take a look at some of the best crystals to help focus the passions of all those born under this fiery astrological sign.
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Who Is Aries?
Individuals who were born between the dates of March 21st and April 19th share the zodiac star sign of Aries. Aries shares the same burning passion for life as its fellow fire signs Leo, and Sagittarius. Aries is the ruler of the mind, and is often thought to be linked to the planet Mars, channeling the same heat into a fiery passion for life here on planet earth.
What Are Aries’ Strengths And Weaknesses?
Aries tend to be very open minded, out of the box thinkers, and go getters. They frequently come up with new, innovative ideas and suggestions to help solve stubborn problems, and they always seem to have a new project in the works. However, on the flip side of this, Aries can become easily distracted by the next big new idea or worthwhile task and may wander away before finishing their goals.
The Best Crystals For Aries
The best crystals for Aries are those which help Aries to channel and focus their fiery passions into worthwhile, and beneficial pursuits, and help them to soften their temperament toward those that they love most.

Crown Chakra
Amethyst is a high-vibrational, powerful crystal that helps to restore balance, and ease stress, and anxiety. Amethyst can be incredibly useful at calming Aries’ more fiery emotions, and helping to temper the anger, irritability, and mood swings that can sometimes cause trouble for Aries.
Additionally, Amethyst helps to clear the mind, increases focus, and helps us tap into our intuition. This can be particularly beneficial for the sometimes overly ambitious Aries. Amethyst can help Aries channel their drive in a more productive manner to better achieve their goals.

Throat Chakra
As evidenced by its water themed moniker, and dreamy ocean blue coloring, Aquamarine is often thought of as a peaceful, dreamy water sign stone. At first glance, it can seem contradictory to associate a water stone like Aquamarine with the fire sign Aries. However, the soothing properties of Aquamarine can be precisely what Aries needs to calm their active mind and most volatile emotions.
Aquamarine encourages the expression of Aries’ strongest traits: courage, and a strong desire to protect others. This soothing stone also helps to calm Aries anxiety, relieve stress, and alleviate Aries worries and fears.
Black Onyx

Root Chakra
Black Onyx opens up Aries’ mind to help illuminate new perceptions and insights so that they can tap into their inner strength and intuition rather than just charging forward. Black Onyx helps to balance Aries’ go-getter attitude towards life by encouraging careful introspection, and helping them to work through and release any fears and worries that may be hampering their progress.

Root Chakra
Bloodstone is a unique combination of two stones: Green Chalcedony, which provides its deep green color, and Hematite, an intensely grounding and protective iron ore, making this stone an uniquely powerful, and soothing natural stone.
Bloodstone’s grounding, protective properties help to promote courage, and protect the user from dangerous, or compromising situations. Bloodstone helps Aries to be present in the moment, and to carefully consider the potential consequences of their actions, and how they may impact the lives of others. This is particularly helpful for Aries who tend to act first and worry about the consequences later.

Root Chakra
The fiery red Carnelian is a perfect match for Aries’ fiery personality. Carnelian can help to restore Aries’ passionate fire when the rigors and stresses of everyday life have dampened their natural flames. Carnelian restores Aries natural passion and courage in difficult situations when Aries may be feeling worn down, and defeated.
Carnelian helps to boost Aries creativity, and improves feelings of confidence and self-worth. However, this powerful healing stone should be used with caution, as it has been known to over-stimulate Aries’ already fiery nature, leading to bravado and self-centered behaviors.

Sacral Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra
Known as a stone of manifestation, Citrine is the perfect crystal to help Aries tap into their inner fire. Citrine is also excellent at helping Aries to accept constructive criticisms, and put that information to productive use to make positive changes and open new doors of opportunity in their lives.
Citrine helps to break through negative feedback loops, and remove mental blockages which can be incredibly useful for Aries who tend to dwell on negative emotions, and allow tension to sap their natural strength.
Clear Quartz

Crown Chakra
Third Eye Chakra
Clear Quartz is a powerful healing crystal for all zodiac signs, however this crystal clear stone can be particularly useful for Aries as a much needed clarifier and balancer for Aries’ sometimes chaotic nature.
Clear Quartz creates a harmonizing energy that brings about a deep state of blanched focus that helps encourage Aries to temper their ambition and consider how they can best direct their vast energy and drive to achieve their highest aspirations.

Heart Chakra
Often referred to as the Prosperity Stone, Emerald provides an uplifting energy that brings a sense of hope, calm, and well-being that can help to soothe Aries worries and fears allowing them to move confidently in the direction of new beginnings.
Emerald also acts to balance Aries tendency towards conceit, by creating a healthy balance between Aries natural self-confidence and their compassion for others.

Root Chakra
Sacral Chakra
Garnet is the traditional Aries zodiac stone. Garnet brings Aries the natural courage, and strength that promotes success in new endeavors. Garnet also helps to protect Aries from those who might deceive them. This can be a huge benefit to Aries, who tend to rush into new situations, and embrace new people without pausing to consider any ulterior motives or potential risks that they may face.

Solar Plexus Chakra
Pyrite is a unique metallic, cubed crystal. The unique cubed structure of the Pyrite crystal showcases its ability to manifest prosperity, abundance, and success into material reality.
Pyrite is a protective stone that encourages the advocacy and defense of the vulnerable. This makes Pyrite a natural fit to offer protection while enhancing Aries’ natural tendency to stand-up for the less fortunate.
Rose Quartz

Heart Chakra
As a powerful heart chakra alignment stone, Rose Quartz has long been associated with the promotion of unconditional love and the balancing and harmonizing of deep emotions. Aries can have a tendency to be quick tempered and impatient with others, including those that they love.
Rose Quartz can help Aries balance their impatience, and irritability and redirect their energies towards feelings of acceptance, compassion, and love. Allowing Aries to better connect and feel closer to those that they care for most.

Heart Chakra
Base Chakra
The deep red Ruby is a perfect match for the fire sign of Aries. Ruby promotes Aries’ natural traits of strong leadership, fiery passion, and steadfast courage. Ruby also works to balance these strong Aries tendencies by encouraging Aries to set realistic goals, helping them to achieve regular success and instill confidence in their own abilities and the abilities of those around them.
Tiger’s Eye

Solar Plexus Chakra
Tiger’s Eye takes its name from its rich gold and brown striated coloring. Tiger’s Eyes is a rare stone that combines the elements of both earth and fire energies. The dual nature of Tiger’s Eye makes it an excellent choice for reminding Aries to keep their fire rooted to the material earth. Tiger’s Eye encourages Aries to experience their passion through grounded and thoughtful activity.