13 Best Crystals For Scorpio: Spooky Good
Choosing the best crystal for you can be hard! There are so many different kinds, and if you don’t know where to begin, it can be daunting.

A good place to start is with your zodiac sign. So, if you’re a Scorpio, then you’re in the right place. In this article, I will use your sign as the basis to help you pick a crystal that is the right match for your unique needs.
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A water stone is always a good match for a water sign, like Scorpio. This is a stone of transformation, and it can really help you if you’re struggling with adapting to a big change in life.
Furthermore, it is great for this zodiac sign, because both Malachite and Scorpios share an intensity. This crystal can help bolster some of the positive traits of the sign, like the strength to speak up and advocate for yourself.

Jealousy and anger are familiar emotions to the Scorpio. While these have their place in certain situations, sometimes some emotional healing might be in order to calm these intense feelings.
Morganite is a great option for just that. It helps you to deal with your fears and anger, and soothes your aura.
It’s especially good for the mysterious Scorpio, as well, because it can help deal with difficult subjects or emotions that have been buried or repressed. This crystal helps bring these to the surface so that they can be dealt with.
Above all, morganite helps to promote love and encourages you to get in touch with the warmth inside to heal yourself.

Scorpios are passionate and fierce. They shine with an intensity that can help propel them to great success in both life and relationships – however, sometimes they need a bit of grounding.
That’s where Obsidian comes in. This stone helps Scorpios plant their feet a bit more firmly on the ground and prevents their fire and emotion from consuming them entirely.
Obsidian does this by supporting and strengthening the root chakra with its healing energy. When this chakra is blocked, you may feel overwhelmed or underwhelmed, but either way, you will be out of balance with the world around you.

Like Obsidian, Moonstone is a good counterbalance to the fire that defines many Scorpios. If emotional regulation is something that you struggle with, then Moonstone can definitely help.
This crystal helps heal and soothe intense emotions. It evokes images of the moonlight dancing through the clouds, lighting a path that helps guide you to a calmer being.

Red Jasper
Stressed-out scorpios can do really well with red jasper. This crystal helps reel you in from being overwhelmed without compromising your drive or shifting your focus.
It’s also a healing stone that can help ground you beautifully in times of uncertainty or turmoil. Plus it helps deal with unstable emotions, which is something that every Scorpio may need assistance with from time to time.
This stone can also help to reignite inspiration and stir up a Scorpio’s natural passion if they are struggling with this aspect of themselves.

One of the most cherished values to a Scorpio is truth. They tend to have a keen sense for when they are being lied to, and always appreciate and respect honesty (and give it in return).
Scorpios also tend to be very assertive. They don’t hesitate to communicate their needs and go after what they want.
Therefore, it might seem strange or unnecessary to recommend Labradorite to Scorpios, because it is a crystal with a strong connection to the throat chakra. The throat chakra helps facilitate open communication and truthfulness, which are already dear to the Scorpio.
However, while Scorpios tend to prize honesty and openness in their relationships and dialogues, they may sometimes struggle with maintaining it, just like anyone else. Labradorite is a wonderful option for a crystal because it helps the Scorpio stay in touch with the traits that are most important to them.

Golden Yellow Topaz
Down on their luck Scorpios might benefit from this crystal, which is of the zodiac sign’s ruling planet: Pluto. In general, golden yellow topaz helps encourage prosperity across the board.
This crystal can help Scorpios to achieve their aspirations, whether these are career goals, a desire for wealth, or a yearning for love.
It’s also a phenomenal salve for the stress that many ambitious Scorpios incur.
Furthermore, it works with the sacral and solar plexus chakras to help strengthen the will. Since this is an important attribute of Scorpios, this stone can be very beneficial.

Scorpios are very confident and love to be right, but they also struggle with trust. Many under this sign need a little push to be more open to putting their faith in the universe and those around them.
Charoite can help accomplish this by philosophically connecting the Scorpio with the world they are in. With its effect on the third eye, crown, and heart chakras, it helps boost balance in a Scorpio’s life, without sacrificing their drive and ambition.

Scorpios tend to always think they’re right, and this can turn into stubbornness and arrogance at times. Sodalite can help with this because this crystal helps cut through rationalizations to promote introspectiveness and offers deep insight into yourself and the world.
This can also help because it will allow Scorpios to recognize their flaws (as well as positive attributes) so that they know what to work on to better their relationships and way of interacting with the world. If you want to focus on self-improvement, then sodalite is a great match for you.
It also helps Scorpios who might be bogged down with negativity. Because this crystal helps make clear what is real and what is a lie you tell yourself, it can draw out anxiety and depressive thoughts, and promote a more positive, and realistic, outlook.

Smoky Quartz
Scorpios sometimes can become a bit preoccupied with negativity. When they’re lost to brooding, they might need a crystal that can shine a little light and help clear the darkness.
Smoky quartz offers amazing healing benefits and can help bring some sunshine into any Scorpio’s life.
This special crystal will pull the bad energy out, and redirect it back into the universe. It targets toxicity and fear and helps guide you to a more positive place.

This is a phenomenal crystal if you struggle with emotions in any capacity. It helps with the regulation of emotions, but it also can help with self-expression and soothing negativity away.
One of the reasons that this crystal is ideal for Scorpios, is because it can help them let go of grudges and heal old wounds. This is something that many Scorpios might need a little assistance with, and Rhodochrosite is certainly up to the job.
In general, if you feel you need more light and happiness in your life, then Rhodochrosite is a good option. This crystal can help drive you towards a place of healthiness and positivity.

If you’re a Scorpio who needs some help in the relationship department, then emeralds are the crystal for you. They can help achieve balance and also help promote love in all forms.
Scorpios, being prone to jealousy and distrust, are likely to benefit from emeralds, because they can help prevent partners from being unfaithful. With this bit of support and protection, you can relax in your relationship, and focus on building a strong foundation of love and trust.
Emeralds can also help bolster loving feelings from within the most closed-off heart, no matter how many walls have been built around it. This is great for many Scorpios because those under this mysterious sign sometimes put up emotional barriers to keep themselves safe and bury their true feelings deep inside themselves.
They’re also a particularly good match for Scorpios because emeralds are associated with the truth that Scorpios strongly value. They can help you to make sense of your place in the universe and uncover your meaning and purpose.

It’s not surprising that a crystal whose name contains the words “aqua” and “marine” is a good match for a water sign, but aquamarine might be one of the best choices for Scorpios of them all.
For one, this crystal helps promote positive communication. It tempers the brashness or hotheadedness of a Scorpio by calming the tone and word choice, while still promoting the message to be conveyed.
Aquamarine also has a strong bond with truth, which is bolstered by its connecting effect on the heart and throat chakras. This crystal can help you speak your own truth and stay clear-headed in the face of tension and discord.
It is also a calming stone in general and can help soothe anger and misplaced passion. This in turn helps you to have more positive experiences and relationships.