9 Super Cool Crystals for Dreaming
When you have any trouble with your sleep, there are crystals that can help you to sleep better. You may have trouble sleeping, bad dreams, night terrors, or some other sleep problem that leaves you tired and not feeling your best.

You can use these crystals to improve your sleep as well as your dreams as needed.
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There are many ways that this pretty purple stone can help you with both your sleep and your dreams. It helps you to sleep better over all so that those with insomnia can get to sleep easier.

If you are looking to astral project during sleep, amethyst will help with this ability as well. It is also a powerful way to help with your dreams.
The amethyst is one of the most potent sleep and dream stones, so it is one of the best at improving both. Keep one near your bed to help you with your dreams, falling asleep, lucid dreaming, being able to interpret your dreams, ending sleepwalking, etc.
This crystal is associated with the third eye chakra for a better connection with the spiritual world. This can help you when you’re dreaming and reaching out to that realm.
When you want to have better dreams, this crystal is incredibly helpful. If you are just starting out with lucid dreaming or trying to have pleasant dreams, this is the first crystal that you should reach for.
Red Jasper
Red jasper may be a fiery color, but it can have a calming and positive effect on you. It has a great, positive energy that can help to protect you against negative vibrations and energies.

The energy radiated by this stone can be used to empower the spirit. Having a better outlook can help you when it’s time to dream to not be bothered by negative dreams.
If you have a lot of chaos in your life, this crystal can bring stability to it. This can help you to be calmer when it’s time for sleep so that you have nicer dreams.
It can also help to keep the chaos out of your dreams. Many people are bothered by upsetting or frightening dreams, and this stone can ease those problems.
If you have been struggling with remembering your dreams, red jasper can help with that as well. It helps to keep your dreams in your memory longer.
As the name suggests, the moonstone draws its power from the moon. It is also a beautiful crystal that Is great to have near the bed for both its beauty and help with your dreams.

If you have a lot of changes going on in your life, this can easily keep you awake night after night and cause frightening dreams. Using a moonstone can help you to handle those changes and to embrace new beginnings when you’re asleep.
This lovely, satiny white crystal is also helpful for having better, more positive dreams. It is a gentle stone that gently nudge your dreams toward more pleasant topics.
This clear crystal looks a lot like a clear quartz, but it has very different energies. It is perfect for helping you have good dreams by getting rid of negative energy for more serenity and peace.

Before you go to sleep, you should be free from worry and with clear thoughts. If they get cloudy, this clear crystal can lighten them up so that your dreams are light as well.
If you have insomnia, selenite can help you to fall asleep faster. If you have trouble with your dreams, this crystal can be protective against having nightmares.
While you sleep, this stone can help your chakras to realign and your energy to recharge. This allows you to get to a highly relaxing, deep state of sleep full of dreams that will be revitalizing.
Keep it at the foot of your bed to get this help from this pretty stone.
This stone’s lovely pale pink color is an indication of its reputation as a stone of peace. This is a great crystal for when you want to feel calmer during the night.

This stone encourages self-love as well as good moods, and both are needed for a good night’s sleep. When you feel better, you will always dream better.
For those who suffer from nightmares, this crystal can protect you against them. This can also reduce any anxiety that you have about going to sleep that can keep you in a negative headspace.
Associated with the third eye chakra, this stone can help you to get a healthy sleep routine that will assist you with a better night’s sleep and easier dreaming. It is also helpful with the depression and anxiety that can make it harder to sleep and can cloud dreams with negativity.
Rose Quartz
Rose quartz, another light pink stone, is a great crystal for helping you have good dreams. It is known for its love energies that both draw love to you and allow you to feel more love.

This quality also helps you to develop more self-love. Feeling self-love is a great aid to sleeping better and having better dreams.
It is also a crystal that helps with relaxing your energies and calming your mind so that you are better able to let go of anything that might darken your dreams. It can also offer you protection against night terrors and nightmares.
When you have a rose quartz nearby, it’s helpful in an overall calming way. It can calm your thoughts as well as your feelings and emotions so that you don’t have dreams full of tension.
You can keep this near your bed or hang it from the wall above your bed to achieve better peace and happier dreams.
This crystal is a light bluish-gray and can help you to be more aware of yourself. If you have trouble sleeping and can’t figure out why, angelite may help you to figure it out so you can put it behind you.

With its soothing energy, it can help you to have a better sense of calm as you’re trying to fall asleep that can help you with having better dreams. It can give you a peaceful feeling that is perfect for dreaming peaceful dreams.
Having fear and anxiety is common, and they are terrible to have when you’re trying to have good dreams. This crystal can help to ease those feelings so that you can make your mind quieter at night for more restful dreams.
It can also help you to more easily remember what you dreamed. And when you can remember your dreams better, you can better guide them.
Sometimes called rainbow moonstone for its colorful, satiny looks, this is a great stone for allowing you to dream better in many ways. It allows you to better connect with the spiritual side of you.

This connection can lead you to dream in a way that is better for your spirit. It can help you to have lucid dreams as well as to give you guidance while you dream.
Labradorite can also help you to remember your dreams better. It’s a great stone to use for having a spiritual experience while you’re asleep.
If you have trouble with nightmares, you can use this stone to protect you from them. It can also help you to have less insomnia as well as to stop sleepwalking.
If you have lucid dreams or engage in astral travel while you dream, this crystal can protect you while you do so. If you have a lot of dreamwork to do, this is one of the best stones to use.
Clear Quartz
A clear quartz is a lovely crystal that is good for a lot of dream issues and dream work. If you love to have vivid dreams, this is a great crystal to use.

It can also help you to better make sense of your dreams. With better dream insight, you can take in the lessons that you get from your dreams.
Clear quartz always focuses your intentions, and you can set an intention for better dreams or lucid dreams. You can also set your stone to amplify your positive energies so that you have positive dreaming experiences.
You can also use it alongside another good dream crystal so that the clear quartz will amplify the energies of it.
Herkimer Diamond
These aren’t actually diamonds but are another type of quartz. They are great for remembering your dreams more easily with their record-keeping abilities.

These beautiful crystals can make it easier to have vivid dreams as well as to have lucid dreams. It also aids in being able to interpret your dreams with insight.
Herkimer diamonds are great for purifying, making them perfect for keeping your dreams from disturbing your own energy. If you want to work on astral projection, this stone can also help you with that activity.
It’s the best stone to use for astral travel.