9 Great Crystals for Creativity
We all know what it’s like to sit down to write, paint, or create in any form, and sit there looking at a blank page or creative space with no idea of what you should create. Most of us struggle with how we can overcome this creative blank spot.

One way to do this is with crystals. Several stones can enhance our creativity and help us express our ideas, so we need to choose stones that will help us do that. The best way to do that is to chose stones that connect to the chakras that boost creativity
Creativity is centered in the sacral chakra, communication in the throat chakra, and inspiration in the third eye chakra. The stones we use to enhance creativity should include stones to open and help heal these chakras.

Of course, the better all our chakras are in balance, the more creativity we will have, but certain stones are good for focusing on the chakras that enhance creativity and the communication of that creativity. We’ll look at some of the more powerful and easier to find stones here.
Table of Contents
Stones to Enhance Creativity
- Apatite
- Bloodstone
- Carnelian
- Citrine
- Garnet
- Lapis
- Tiger’s Eye
- Sodalite
- Yellow Quartz
Apatite, a light blue, yellow-green, or gray stone, connects to the throat and third-eye chakras and helps us plan our projects. It can help overcome writer’s block and allows us to mine our dreams for ideas.

Apatite cleanses the third eye and throat chakras and lets the creativity of those chakras flow into our projects. It stimulates intellect and enhances our ability to use the creativity of this stone to power and plan our projects.
It also aids with time management to allow us to express our creativity while allowing us to still manage our daily activities. Apatite stimulates the intellect and can help with creative problem solving as well.
Bloodstone, a dark green stone with brown or red spots, connects to the heart chakra and helps us expand our creativity by helping us open to innovative ideas. It also helps us more empowered to share our creative ideas.

Bloodstone boosts creativity by freeing us from negative thoughts that prevent us from expressing ourselves and allowing us to communicate our ideas. It also helps us free ourselves from the lack of focus that prevents us from following our creative ideas to completion.
Bloodstone lends us the courage to dig into our dreams to find meaning and motivation and serves as a muse stone for those times we feel stuck and burdened by self-doubt. Self-confidence is critical to creative expression, and several of the stones we will discuss here help us overcome self-doubt.
Carnelian, a reddish orange stone, connects to the sacral chakra, and brings passion and inspiration to all our creative endeavors. Carnelian helps spark innovative ideas and allows us to connect to our creative powers through the sacral chakra, the center of creativity.

Carnelian has no negative qualities, so having it in your workspace or carrying or wearing it can encourage you to embrace your creative abilities and release negative thoughts and self-doubt. It can heal and support the sacral chakra which boosts our creative self-expression.
Carnelian is one of the best crystals for creativity and inspiration because it helps us overcome blocks to creativity and allows our ideas to flow freely. It also helps us feel more self-confident in our creative abilities by helping us focus on positive energy and creative flow rather than the negative energies that often surround us in our daily lives.
Citrine, a yellow gold to deep orange stone, connects to the Solar Plexus and Crown Chakras to help us bring our dreams into being. Citrine activates imagination, helps you clearly visualize what you want to create, and gives you the will to follow through on that vision.

Citrine helps bring out our joy in creating and helps us break out of ruts that block our creativity so we can feel more alive and channel that feeling into our creative projects. It also helps boost our creative self-confidence.
Citrine is one of the best crystals for self-confidence and creativity and motivates us to create by freeing us from limiting beliefs, and it raises our energy levels. It’s also considered a lucky stone that brings success in all your endeavors.
Garnet, a red, orange-red, brown, or even black stone, connects to the Sacral and Root chakras. Garnet rejuvenates us, protects against evil, encourages positive thought, and builds inner strength. This allows us to free up our creativity and bring our creative ideas into being.

It helps prepare the mind for creativity by activating the root chakra which helps us feel safe enough to express our ideas. Garnet also enhances imagination and improves the odds of success in any creation by using our rejuvenated energy to enhance our passion.
Passion is one of the key ingredients of creativity, and maintaining that creative passion is one of the stronger qualities of garnet. It also increases our self-confidence and allows us to create freely.
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli, a blue-violet stone, connects to the third eye and throat chakras. Lapis helps ward off evil and accidents and encourages to take control of our lives. Lapis has a long artistic history and was often ground down for use in paintings or in eyeshadow for Egyptian queens and pharaohs.

Lapis can help us become more self-aware and expressive by freeing us from negative energy. It also stimulates thought and objectivity which leads to clarity and enhances creativity.
Also knows as the wisdom stone, the third eye chakra enhances our own sense of wisdom, and the throat chakra helps us communicate our ideas to others. It also enhances intuition and helps us express that intuition in our art.
Tiger’s Eye
Tiger’s Eye, a gold and brown with the colors alternating, connects to the solar plexus and third-eye chakras, and is one of the best crystals for creativity. We often underestimate our creative abilities which prevents us from being able to express our creativity, but this stone helps us feel more balanced, creative, and confident.

Tiger’s eye also helps clear the mind to allow us to get a clearer vision of what you want to create. It is a stone of prosperity and helps you balance your needs with those of others.
Tiger’s eye releases our fears and helps us own our creativity. Its energy cleanses us of lethargy and renews our sense of purpose in using our creative energies.
Sodalite, a rich royal blue, green, yellow, or violet stone with white veins, connects to the throat, heart, and third eye chakra. Often called the Poet stone, Sodalite allows you to see the beauty in life and communicate that beauty to others.

Sodalite enhances our communication with the energy of the earth to help us remain grounded, and peaceful which frees up our creative energy by allowing us deal objectively with the problems of daily life and put them aside. Writers often wear sodalite to bring them the free flow of ideas, and this can work for any kind of creativity.
Sodalite helps us find and embrace our true selves, so we can turn emotions into inspiration and convey that energy and insight on our own individual creative canvas. Its association with the third-eye chakra means that as this chakra opens, it also opens our creative eye and acts as a muse for all types of creativity.
Tangerine Quartz
Tangerine Quartz, sometimes called Yellow Quartz, is an orange or yellow stone that connects to the root, solar plexus, and sacral chakras. It balances and heals the sacral chakra, the seat of our creativity.

Yellow Quartz enhances curiosity and playfulness which allows us to be open to new ideas. It can also bring feelings of happiness which can enhance imagination and innovation.
Yellow Quartz can also help reawaken feelings of delight that allows us to appreciate the smaller, seemingly insignificant things which in turn helps spark our creativity. It also allows us freedom from self-doubt which allows us to let our creativity flow.
What Is The Best Crystal To Enhance Creativity?
As always, it’s critical that you choose stones that resonate with you personally. No stone will help if you do not have a connection to it. No matter which crystals you choose to enhance your creativity, you can use them in several ways.

Wearing crystals is an excellent way to ensure your stones are nearby when you are creating, but you can also meditate with them, set them up in your workspace, or even bathe with them to enhance your creativity.
Again, the method that works best for you will be specific to you, so it’s a good idea to try different methods of working with your stones to bring the best results for you.