11 Crystals For Virgo: Natural Beauty and Grace
Since the earliest recorded times, humankind has looked to the natural world to make sense of the events in their lives and enhance their existence. Astrology, the study of the zodiac, birth placement, and planetary alignment and the astrological signs can help us to better understand ourselves, and others.
Crystals, minerals, and precious stones have been used for both their innate medicinal properties as well as their energetic and spiritual qualities.

By combining the insight provided by the zodiac, with the energetic and spiritual healing qualities of crystals, and stones we can achieve a far greater balance, and understanding than we could on our own.
Today, we will delve into the star sign of Virgo, and take a look at some of the best crystals to enhance the lives of all those who share this earthy astrological sign.
Table of Contents
Who Is A Virgo?
Those born between August 23 and September 23 share the star sign of Virgo. Virgo’s symbolic representation is The Maiden, embodying a strong connection to nature and the earth. Virgo’s strong affiliation with the natural world makes the use of crystals to enhance Virgo’s best qualities a natural fit.
What Are Virgo’s Strengths & Weaknesses?
Every astrological sign comes with its own unique set of strengths and weaknesses and Virgo is certainly no exception to this rule.
At their best, Virgos are known for their quick wit, sharp intellect, fierce loyalty, solid integrity, and nurturing nature. At their worst, Virgos have a tendency to be perfectionists, leveling harsh criticism at those they feel have fallen short of their potential.

Virgo’s high personal standards combined with their need to care for others can lead to quite a bit of stress and anxiety if a proper balance is not maintained. The healing and energetic powers of crystals can enhance the lives of Virgos by helping them to maintain this crucial balance.
The Best Crystals For Virgo
Crystals and stones contain powerful energetic and spiritual healing properties that benefit all individuals regardless of star sign. That being said, the right crystal can have an even more dramatic effect on the lives, and well-being of certain astrological signs.
In this article we will delve deeper into the best crystals for the star sign of Virgo. These crystals elevate and enhance Virgo’s strengths while subduing, while easing the effects of Virgo’s weaknesses, and challenging aspects.

Crown Chakra
Amethyst is a high-vibrational stone that has been used for centuries to restore balance, ease stress and anxiety, and provide an overall sense of well-being. Amethyst plays an important role in helping Virgo maintain a healthy balance between their high-striving, and at times overly-critical nature, and their gentle, nurturing side.
Amethyst helps bring Virgo much needed serenity, by allowing them to tap into their softer, spiritual side and accept the world, and the people in it, as they are rather than as Virgo might prefer them to be.

Heart Chakra
Throat Chakra
Amazonite is well-known for its soothing, and calming properties. This makes Amazonite a perfect choice for Virgos who need help slowing their racing thoughts, and calming down an overactive mind.
Amazonite has also been known to effectively dispel negative energy, reduce aggravation, and calm the nervous system. This can help Virgos to suppress their more perfectionist and rigid traits, as well as ease the anxiety that is often associated with them.
Blue Tourmaline

Throat Chakra
Third Eye Chakra
Virgo Ascendant Stone
Blue Tourmaline is Virgo’s Ascendent stone. Blue Tourmaline naturally enhances the passion for productivity and service and allows you to focus your energy outward towards helping others.
Blue Tourmaline is also a great stone for improving confidence in one’s own abilities, enhancing intuition, and promoting open and honest communication with those around us.
All of these qualities make Blue Tourmaline a natural choice to enhance Virgo’s natural desire to be of service to others, and to work hard to achieve their dreams.

Sacral Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra
Carnelian is, hands down, one of the absolute best stones for Virgo, especially Virgo Moons. Carnelian helps to temper the Virgo’s tendency towards rumination by encouraging them to let go of the past and embrace what is new.
Carnelian also helps to alleviate Virgo’s chronic sense of dissatisfaction and discontentment with the many problems that they perceive in the world around them. Carnelian helps to redirect Virgo’s energy away from the negative so that they can focus on finding positive, creative solutions instead.

Root Chakra
Because of Garnet’s incredibly strong Root Chakra alignment properties, it has the innate ability to awaken our purest life force energy. Garnet will help keep Virgo’s confidence high, and help them to maintain focus on achieving their most important goals and dreams by reminding them why they were so important to them in the first place.
Garnet also helps Virgo to abstain from their tendency to second guess their decisions. Garnet is one of the most powerful manifestation tools, for helping Virgo’s to realize their greatest aspirations.
Green Aventurine

Heart Chakra
Green Aventurine embodies Virgo’s lucky color, green, and natural earth-sign strengths. Green Aventurine emits soothing, hopeful vibrations to lift your spirits.
Green aventurine is the perfect choice for Virgo rising signs, as they tend to be far more self-critical than other Virgo signs. Green Aventurine encourages Virgo to show more compassion to themselves, communicate their wants and needs to others and accept help from others when needed.

Heart Chakra
Green is considered a particularly lucky color for all earth signs, Virgo included. Jade is by far the luckiest of all of the green hued stones. Jade has been revered as the stone of good luck and good fortune by a number of cultures from ancient times to modern day.
Stability, and focus is uber important to the perfectionist, driven Virgo. Jade is a perfect choice for helping Virgos to hone their focus, supercharge their critical thinking skills. Jade is also one of the very best crystals for manifesting stability, easing your nerves, and encouraging acceptance.
Moss Agate

Heart Chakra
Moss Agate is a natural calming stone, encouraging relaxation and serenity. This makes it a perfect choice for Virgos who have a definite tendency to dwell on the potential negative aspects of a decision, overthink problems, and essentially worry way too much.
Moss Agate helps Virgo reduce their stress levels, balance their emotions, and encourages trust and hope. Moss Agate also promotes effective self-expression, and honest communication. This can help Virgos open up and express themselves to others more easily.

Root Chakra
Third Eye Chakra
Obsidian is a stone of spiritual grounding and offers strong protection against rumination and stress. Obsidian is an ideal selection for Virgos who have a lot on their plate, or who have a particularly strong tendency to push themselves to the limit.
Obsidian’s strong Root Chakra alignment properties help Virgo’s to twitch off their mind so that they can relax and recharge, making them better prepared to face the challenges they must overcome to reach their highest ambitions. .
Obsidian also helps to hone Virgo’s natural intuitive strength, helping them to better assess themselves and others, identify potential for improvement without becoming overly judgemental or harsh.

Heart Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra
Peridot is the primary birthstone for Virgos with August birthdays. Peridot is also a potent crystal that can be used when powerful energetic cleansing is called for. Essentially, Peridot’s stress-relieving properties are a great way to alleviate stress and anxiety, and recharge the spiritual tanks of Virgo’s who have become overwhelmed and burnt out by a too heavy load. .
Peridot helps to alleviate fear and worry, reduce feelings of bitterness, frustration, anger, or guilt. This makes it an excellent choice for helping Virgo overcome the negative emotions that create mental roadblocks in their lives and slow or prevent them from reaching their goals.
Additionally, Peridot sharpens the wit, and promotes compassion and openness, enhancing two of Virgo’s strongest natural tendencies.
Red Jasper

Root Chakra
Red Jasper is a naturally nurturing crystal that helps focus the attention, and provide clarity to the uber organized, and at times, overly-analytical Virgo.
Red Jasper acts as a potent mood stabilizer, bringing a sense of tranquility, comfort, and soothing peace to the day to life of an over-stressed Virgo. Red Jasper promotes critical thinking, productivity, and better problem solving skills by enhancing Virgo’s ability to clearly weigh competing the pros and cons of competing options, and encouraging them to act with responsibility and compassion.
Virgos often have a strong need to regularly connect with nature in order to balance out their drive, and dispel any built up negative energy. Red Jasper can be particularly helpful in this regard, as it naturally absorbs excess negative energies and encourages out-of-the-box thinking, and the discovery of creative solutions to seemingly overwhelmingly difficult challenges.