5 Types of Spells Intermediate Witches Should Know: Protection, Healing, Love, Manifestation, and Banishing
As an intermediate witch, you’re probably looking to expand your knowledge of magic and try out new spells.
Well, you’re in luck because this blog post will cover five types of spells that are perfect for intermediate witches.

Table of Contents
1. Protection Spells
Protection spells are one of the most important types for any witch to know. These spells are designed to shield you from negative energy and harmful intentions.

There are many different ways to cast protection spells, and the specific method you choose will depend on your personal beliefs and preferred techniques.
One popular protection spell is the salt circle. To cast this spell, you’ll need a piece of parchment paper, a pen, and salt.
First, write out a protection spell or incantation on the parchment paper. Next, sprinkle a circle of salt around yourself, large enough to stand within.
Finally, light a white candle and place it inside the circle with you. As you stand within the salt circle, recite the protection spell or incantation you wrote on the parchment paper. This will create a shield of protection around you, keeping negative energy at bay.
2. Healing Spells
Healing spells are another essential type of magic for intermediate witches to master. These spells can be used to heal physical ailments, emotional wounds, and more.
Like protection spells, there are many different ways to cast healing spells, and the specific method you choose will depend on your personal beliefs and preferred techniques.

One simple healing spell you can try is the herbal bath spell. To cast this spell, you’ll need a few handfuls of dried herbs (such as lavender, chamomile, or rose petals), a small cloth bag, and a bathtub full of warm water.
Place the herbs in the cloth bag and tie it closed. Then, add the herb-filled bag to the bath water and soak in the tub for at least 20 minutes.
As you soak, visualize the healing energy of the herbs flowing through your body, repairing any damage and bringing you back to optimal health.
3. Love Spells
Love spells are a classic type of magic and for good reason.
These spells can be used to attract a new love interest, strengthen the bond with a current partner, or even bring back a lost love.
Like the other spells on this list, there are many different ways to cast love spells, and the specific method you choose will depend on your personal beliefs and preferred techniques.

One simple love spell you can try is the candle spell. To cast this spell, you’ll need a pink candle, a piece of paper, and a pen.
First, write down the qualities you desire in a partner on a piece of paper. Next, light the pink candle and place it on top of the paper.
As the candle burns, focus on your desire for love and visualize yourself attracting the perfect partner.
This spell can be repeated as needed until your desire is manifested.
4. Manifestation Spells
Manifestation spells are powerful magic that can help you make your goals and desires into reality.
These spells work by focusing your energy and intention on a specific outcome, helping you manifest your desires more quickly and easily.
You can try many different manifestation spells, and the specific method you choose will depend on your personal beliefs and preferred techniques.

One simple manifestation spell you can try is the vision board spell. To cast this spell, you’ll need a vision board (a board covered in images and words representing your goals and desires), a green candle, and a piece of paper.
First, set up your vision board in a place where you can see it every day. Next, light the green candle and hold the piece of paper in your hands. On the paper, write down your goal or desire.
As you hold the paper and look at your vision board, visualize yourself achieving your goal and feeling the emotions of success.
Hold this visualization for as long as you can, then blow out the candle and keep the piece of paper with you as a reminder of your intention.
5. Banishing Spells
Banishing spells are a type of magic used to remove negative influences or energies from your life. These spells can be used to banish negative thoughts, toxic people, or any other unwanted energy.
Like the other spells on this list, there are many different ways to cast banishing spells, and the specific method you choose will depend on your personal beliefs and preferred techniques.

One simple banishing spell you can try is the cleansing ritual. To cast this spell, you’ll need a white candle, a piece of paper, and a pen.
First, light the white candle and write down the negative influence or energy you wish to banish on the piece of paper.
Next, hold the paper in your hands and visualize the negative influence or energy leaving your life. As you do this, recite a banishing incantation or prayer of your choosing. Finally, dispose of the paper by burning it or burying it in the earth.
As an intermediate witch, it’s important to continue expanding your knowledge and skills in magic.
These five types of spells are just a starting point, and there are countless other spells you can explore as you continue your journey.
Always practice magic responsibly, respect yourself and others, and have fun experimenting with different spells and techniques.