50 Best Crystals for Lucid Dreaming, Recall & Dream Work
If you’ve ever had a lucid dream, you know how amazing they can be. You can fly, teleport, meet with deceased family members or friends, and go anywhere in the world — even beyond! The possibilities are endless.

But how do you get there? What do you need to do? Many methods and techniques claim to help you achieve lucidity in your dreams. Some people swear by them while others find them ineffective. It’s all about what works for you.
Here are 50 crystals that can help facilitate lucid dreaming.
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Recall Your Dreams with Crystals
There are a bunch of good reasons to enhance your dream recall. Often we remember our dreams but forget them as soon as we get out of bed. The problem is, that they can be important for your spiritual growth, helping you with self-discovery, solving problems and making decisions, and even healing and creating.

But how do you make that happen? What can you do to remember what happens when your eyes close at night? It might sound strange to say it like this, but crystals for dream recall are just one way that you can enhance your ability to remember the things that happen in those other realms.
Sometimes dreams slip away when we first wake up, and they can be hard to recall.
Here are some ways to ensure that your dreams stay with you:
- Get plenty of sleep.
- Write down any dreams you can remember in a dream journal when you wake up.
- Meditate on what your dreams may mean, or how they relate to things going on in your life right now.
- Set an alarm for the middle of the night, which will slightly break up your sleep cycle and cause you to fall into a deeper REM cycle. This way, it may be easier for you to remember your late-night visions in the morning.
- Place crystals on your nightstand. Many people believe that keeping crystals near them while they sleep helps them have better dream recall, because they absorb negative energy while we rest, and charge us with positive energy when we wake up refreshed!
For some of us, recalling our dreams can lead to other gifts—such as astral travel and lucid dreaming.
Because your dreams are a way for you to tap into the spiritual realm, being able to recall them can help you better understand your life and where you need to go.

Dreaming can be a mystical experience, and when we remember our dreams we open ourselves up to so many things—maybe even astral travel or lucid dreaming.
We all need restful sleep and the ability to remember our dreams will help us get it.
We all have dreams every night, but most of us don’t remember them. It’s a real shame since our dreams can help us improve the quality of our sleep and be healthier.
You may wonder why dreaming is so important to sleep. It’s because our body often uses dreams to work through the day’s emotional events, sort through our thoughts and feelings, and process any physical problems we’re having.

So if you wake up feeling tired even though you got 8 hours of rest, it could mean your body didn’t get a chance to dream enough last night. Without dreams, you may feel as if your body did not get enough restful sleep.
Fortunately, some crystals can help you remember your dreams better or even induce lucid dreaming (being aware that you’re dreaming while still in the dream).
But why is it important to remember your dreams?
There are a lot of reasons why we want to remember our dreams. We have this whole other world inside us, and remembering our dreams allows us to interpret what’s going on in our unconscious minds. Our dreams can guide us, help us work on ourselves, and help us along our spiritual path.
Let’s say you’re having a recurring dream about being naked in public. This is a very common dream—it happens to lots of people!

The way I would interpret it is that you might feel like you’re putting yourself out there too much or maybe oversharing with people who don’t deserve your trust.
You might want to think about how your recent behavior reflects that and make some changes if it feels right for you.
When we remember our dreams, it allows us to see where we are in our lives, what we need to work on, and what aspects of ourselves we need to heal.
When we remember our dreams, it allows us to see where we are in our lives, what we need to work on, and what aspects of ourselves we need to heal.
Analyzing dreams gives you insight into your spiritual life and helps you move forward on your spiritual path.
A great way to help remember your dreams is by using crystals for dream recall. Many different crystals can aid in dream recall, but some crystals are especially effective for this purpose.
Some of the best stones for aiding you with recalling your dreams include amethyst, labradorite, fluorite, azurite-malachite, and selenite.
Remembering your dreams can also give you insights into your spiritual life and help you move forward on your spiritual path.
Recalling your dreams can also give you insights into your spiritual life and help you move forward on your spiritual path. Dreams are a personal experience, but they’re also an important part of our spiritual lives. We can learn a lot about ourselves from our dreams.

Dream recall is one way that we can gain insight into our spiritual selves and the world around us. Remembering your dreams can help you move forward on your spiritual path and make decisions that are in alignment with how you want to live spiritually.
The Best Crystals For Dreamwork:
Amethyst Promotes relaxation and insight.
Amethyst is a purple crystal that promotes relaxation and insight. It is said to help with insomnia, protect against psychic attacks and cleanse the aura.
Amethyst is also said to bring spiritual wisdom, enhance intuition, stimulate psychic abilities, and aid meditation.

Obsidian Improves absorption of dreams.
Obsidian is a black stone that helps with lucid dreaming by bringing clarity to the mind and grounding one’s energy after an astral projection or OBE experience.
Obsidian is also said to help with healing trauma, eliminating negativity in relationships, and calming anxiety about the future or past events in one’s life.

Rose Quartz Increases the ease of lucid dreaming.
Increases ease of lucid dreaming.
Rose Quartz is a very popular stone for dreamers, and many people choose to place it under their pillow before sleep.
This crystal is commonly used to bring the heart chakra into harmony with the mind and body, creating an environment that is more conducive to dream recall and lucid dreaming. Rose quartz is also a powerful love crystal, so if you’re looking for more romance in your dreams, try this stone!
If you want to use Rose Quartz in your practice, it’s best to have 2-3 stones close by (1 under the pillow, 1 on each side of the bed). You can do the same with any other crystal you choose.

Amber Enhances dream recall.
Amber is a gemstone that is known to enhance dream recall. It has been used throughout history as an aid to meditation and lucid dreaming.
Amber can be used by placing it under your pillow at night or wearing it during the day. You may also wish to carry some amber with you while you sleep on an amber necklace or bracelet.
Amber is said to help the mind become more receptive so that when you do remember your dreams, they will be easier to recall in detail.
Amber has also been used by some people who simply want to remember their dreams more often, without necessarily working on becoming lucid while dreaming.

Selenite Helps to stay conscious after a nightmare.
Selenite is an excellent crystal for dreamwork and lucid dreaming.
Selenite helps you to stay conscious after a nightmare, so it’s great for those who have trouble waking up from bad dreams or nightmares. It also helps one to remember their dreams more clearly, which makes it helpful for dream recall and dream journaling.

Copper Pyramid Acts like an antenna for your dreams.
Copper is one of the most powerful dream-catchers in the mineral world. When placed near your bed, it acts as an antenna for your dreams.
You can even place it on your pillow and sleep with it under your head or between your legs (or both).
The pyramid shape amplifies the energy of the copper and makes it easier for you to remember your dreams. It’s also believed to help heal emotional wounds from past lives, especially ones that are holding you back from moving forward in this life.

Blue Lace Agate Enables you to see the future in your dreams.
This stone is great for lucid dreaming because it helps you to see the future in your dreams. This is a very powerful crystal and should be used with caution. You can use this stone for healing, meditation, and dream work.

Chrysocolla helps to release fear and anger.
Chrysocolla is a blue-green stone that helps one connect with their higher self and experience more positive emotions like love and joy.
Chrysocolla is also said to promote creativity and inspiration as well as enhance one’s ability to manifest positive change in their lives through positive action

This stone helps with communicating with spirits/people who are not able to come into your physical reality at this time due to illness or physical limitation

Aventurine helps with keeping you in check while you dream.
This stone helps with emotional balance and clarity by removing blockages from the heart chakra. It will help bring up issues that need healing from past relationships or family dynamics, so be prepared for some tears if you open yourself up to this powerful stone!
Aventurine can be used during meditation to help you connect with your Higher Self (the part of you that knows everything), so it’s a great tool for exchanging information between your physical self and non-physical self while asleep!

Black Tourmaline & Smoky Quartz
These two stones are great for grounding your energy, helping you stay grounded in reality when you wake up from a nightmare or other bad dreams where your consciousness may have slipped away

Rhodonite is a wonderful stone for dream recall because it helps you stay focused on your goals during waking hours, making them easier to achieve when sleeping.

If you’re having trouble remembering your dreams, this crystal will help. It’s also great for healing emotional wounds from the past that might be holding you back from fully experiencing your life today.

This orange-colored crystal helps to energize and stimulate the solar plexus chakra, which is located in the center of the torso. This chakra governs how we communicate with others, so it’s useful if you’re finding it difficult to express yourself verbally or non-verbally during lucid dreams or while awake too!

Hematite Helps with lucid dreaming by overcoming nightmares or night terrors.
Citrine helps with dream recall, lucid dreaming, and dream work.
Jasper Helps with dream recall and lucid dreaming.
Lapis Lazuli Helps with dream recall, lucid dreaming, and dream work.

These crystals are an excellent way to enhance your efforts for those of us who regularly practice lucid dreaming, dream recall, and dream work.
I love metaphysical stones and crystals, especially for doing energy work with the chakras. Like many others, my favorite is amethyst.

It is by far the most sacred of all the stones and one I believe we should all keep in our possession!
I found this article to be quite informative. I appreciate the information (I’m assuming it’s factual) well thanks for the info.
you are so welcome!