The Most Popular Numerology Systems And How Anyone Can Start Using Them
Numerology is an ancient practice that can give us insights into our lives. Individual numbers correspond to specific traits and challenges.
It can also show us our true path in life, and while not considered a science, the ancient Egyptians, Chinese, and Jewish mystics have used numerology to answer questions about life for thousands of years.

The first recorded use of numerology came from ancient Egypt and Sumer when archaeologists discovered the first written historical records. Different areas have different systems, but each offers guidance for living our lives.
We can discover our life path through numerology and take control of our lives by knowing what pitfalls to avoid. It allows us to make conscious choices based on our numbers.
Choosing a numerology system is tricky at the best of times. When there are five primary choices, it becomes even more confusing. How do you decide?

One way is to look at the different systems, and while there are more systems than listed here, these are the most often used.
- Pythagorean/Western
- Chaldean
- Kabbalah
- Chinese
- Indian/Tamil/Vedic
Table of Contents
Pythagorean: [ pi-thag-uh–ree–uhn ] Based on the teachings of Pythagoras, this system is the most often used and simplest. Pythagoras believed reality consists of mathematical patterns, and that each number has an energy vibration attached to it.

Here, each letter of our name corresponds to a number that, when added together and reduced to the single digits, gives us our Name Number. The numbers in our birthday are added to give us our Life Path Number.
Pythagorean numerology also includes calculations for the Soul Number, the Personality Number, and the Birthday Number. Here we will only look at how to determine the Name number and Life Path number.

I’m sure at some point most of us have used the system below to find our own Name number, or that of a boy/girlfriend.
Name Number:
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
I |
J |
K |
L |
M |
N |
O |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
U |
V |
W |
X |
Y |
Z |
For Example, Sam Jones would be 1+1+4+1+6+5+5+1 = 24 = 6
Pythagorean numerology also uses our birth dates to find further information about ourselves.
Life Path Number:
04/21/1953 = 4+2+1+1+9+5+3 = 25 = 2+5 = 7

Master numbers 11 and 22 are considered Master Numbers and are not reduced any further
Meanings of the numbers:
1 – Leadership, courage, and power
2 – harmony and diplomacy; refinement
3 – imagination and creativity
4 – Practicality and logic; balance and diligence
5 – Flexibility and mobility; curiosity and desire for change
6 – Responsibility and harmony; hearth and home
7 – Spirituality and a philosophical mind; self-analysis
8 – Judgement and organization; wisdom and compromise
9 – Generosity and communication, diversity, and intuition
11 – Inspiration and foresight, symbolizes magical power
22 – Spiritual knowledge and leadership; logic and law
Chaldean: [ kal-dee–uhn ] The Chaldean system dates to Ancient Babylon, and is one of the oldest systems currently used. It differs from the Pythagorean in that the Chaldean assigns different vibrations to the first 8 numbers and then assigns letters to the number that correspond with that vibration.

The Chaldean system doesn’t use the number 9 because it’s considered a sacred number. The only time it appears is as the final result.
This system also uses the birth date like the Pythagorean system. However, the interpretations are different, and I’ve listed them below.
The differences between this chart and the Pythagorean chart show how the Chaldean vibrations vary.
Name Number
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
U |
O |
F |
I |
K |
G |
M |
H |
V |
Z |
P |
J |
R |
L |
T |
N |
W | ||
Q |
S |
X | |||||
Y |
Sam Jones = 3+1+4+1+7+5+5+3 = 29 = 11 = 2
Chaldean numerology doesn’t consider 22 and 11 Master numbers, so we then reduce the number to its single digit number.
The single digits found in the Chaldean system correspond to the number meanings below. The Chaldean system also notes the two-digit number those names come down to and has additional numbers for those meanings and is a 22 number system. However, we will look at the first 9.
Meanings of Numbers
- There is a need to separate reality from the illusion by examining ourselves and our connections to other people. The person’s real talents have not revealed themselves yet.
- Independence, confidence, and leadership, the number of strength
- Flexibility, adaptability, and balance help the two find their bearings when all around is chaos.
- Creativity, changing situations, possible twist coming in life.
- Focus and discipline, organization, and prosperity.
- Loves to travel and is creative and extremely independent.
- Wonderful teachers and consultants. Always doing something important
- Smart and reliable, clever and respectful, has high moral values and is extremely curious
- Purposeful and goal oriented. Money oriented with focus on financial stability.
Kabbalah: [ kab–uh-luh, kuh–bah–luh] Only uses the name and not the birth date. It uses the birth name whereas most other systems use both.

The Kabbalah system is based on Jewish Mysticism, and the idea that everything around us has meaning. This system uses the Hebrew alphabet rather than the Latin base system we normally use.
The Kabbalah system does use the same numerical system as the Pythagorean; however, the single digit number is determined by dividing the two-digit number just prior to the single digit by 9. Once you have determined that single digit number, add 1 to it; then reduce it to a single digit.
Meanings of Numbers
- Development and growth.
- Enlargement and magnification.
- Affection and endearment
- Unsuccessful or fruitless
- Formation or creation
- Implementation/Execution
- Mysticism
- Impetuous and impulsive.
- Good fortune.
Chinese Numerology dates back 4,000 years and according to legend Chinese emperor created this system after he saw a tortoise shell with a grid of nine squares. It uses the person’s birth date and a 3×3 grid.

The questioner then arranges the numbers in the grid so that when added they will equal 15 whether you add them horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. 15 is the number of days between the new moon and the full moon.
Meanings of the numbers
0 – You
1 – Want
2 – Love
3 – Life
4 – Die
5 – I
6 – Flow
7 Wife
8 to prosper
9 long time
Indian/Tamil: [ tam–uhl, tuhm-, tah-muhl ]
Tamil Numerology, also known as Indian or Vedic Numerology is also one of the oldest known forms of Numerology. In Tamil Numerology, each of the numbers from 1-9 has a specific characteristic.

Tamil focuses on three main numbers, your Psychic Number, your Destiny Number, and your Name Number.
The first, your Psychic number, focuses on your date of birth. For example, if you were born on January 25, your psychic number is 7.
The second, your Destiny number, focuses on your complete date of birth just as the Pythagorean system does. In this system, we also reduce the date to a single digit.
Your Name number in Tamil uses the Chaldean numbering system shown above, and again reduces it to a single digit.
Traits of the Numbers
- The Leader – taking charge and success
- The Teacher – healing others and helping them grow
- The Artist – self-expression and sharing the vision
- The Builder – changes the perceptions of other, offers new perspectives
- The Entertainer – brings joy to others and challenges ideas through performance
- The Homemaker – nurtures and stabilizes no matter your surroundings
- The Mystic – shares great insights with others.
- The Worker – can change and advance society
- The Humanist – gives unconditional love and encouragement
Which Numerology Should I Use?
Regardless of the system you choose, numerology can help you find your true path in life and help you overcome obstacles. As always, you determine the outcome.

Only you can decide how to approach your life path through numerology. Ultimately, you make the choices that will help you achieve your life goals