12 Crystals for Leo: In Like A Lion
The season of Leo is right around the corner (July 23 – August 22), which means the season is about to explode (fire sign). When you think of a Leo, think of the bright, golden sun as that’s the color usually associated with it.
The full spectrum and hues of the golds, yellows, and oranges scream warmth and radiance, which represents a Leo sufficiently. The lion sufficiently represents the personality of a Leo: a leader, powerful, radiant, and fiery.

The personal power and self-confidence Leos portray in their leadership can come across as overly confident and a little arrogant to some people. But don’t misunderstand the fiery, vibrant energy of a Leo.
Although they can come across as arrogant and self-serving, Leos are warm-hearted creatures, who happen to be natural-born leaders. Leos never settle and are fully confident in who they are.
But even so, there are crystals that can enhance those warm qualities of the Leo. In this article, we’ll identify 12 crystals Leos can use to help manifest their intention and to enhance their already great qualities.
If you engage regularly with a Leo, you’ll appreciate how the natural tendencies of these crystals will make them even better to know and have by your side.
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12 Best Crystals for Leos
Black Onyx
Black Onyx helps to remove negative energies from the surrounding environment and people. It cleanses the environment to allow for a fluid frame of mind.
It continues to allow a Leo to keep the confidence they possess and need to complete projects and keep their dreams alive.

The beautiful hues of orange shades help to inform the beauty of the Carnelian crystal. From sunrise to sunset the hues are attuned to the reminiscence of the sun in varying ways.
It bursts with life and energy and is a great asset for anyone who could use boosting in these areas. It’s especially great for boosting courage regardless of what you need a little extra courage for.

Garnet encourages bravery and gives a Leo the courage they need to make major decisions and defeat the pressures brought on by adverse situations. While a Leo is already confident, Garnet keeps them there and promotes the inspiration they need to do great things.
Garnet also helps Leos to see the true intention of others. This is critical to the Leo since they tend to see the good in everyone.

A Leo who’s focused on their career will surely benefit from Citrine. This crystal manifests success, especially when it comes to money.
It also promotes the quality of sleep that a Leo needs to be productive daily. Busy, productive Leos will only have much financial success with the Citrine stone.

The beauty in the serene blue of the Larimar crystal fosters relaxation and peace. It’s probably also the reason why the Larimer crystal is named the Dolphin stone.
With the wisdom of Atlantis, this stone harmonizes your body and soul and helps to clear etched-in emotions. Allow yourself different perspectives to help you to be better able to approach situations with more compassion and understanding with the Larimar crystal.

Peridot is the official birthstone of the period during Leo. Its color is green, and its purpose is to promote unconditional love.
For a little more love in your life, Peridot is the perfect love to foster forgiveness for those that are hard to forgive and compassion for those who are heartless. Allow the inner healing from hatred and evil spirits to heal those internal wounds with Peridot.

Pyrite is an “Earth element stone” that is also a stone affiliated with fire that is good for creating sparks needed to start fires. Its golden yellow color signals “fool gold, and it’s that golden hue that connects it to Leo.
Pyrite attracts wealth and prosperity and is great for manifesting that in your life.

The healing properties of Rhodochrosite are just what a Leo who may have lost their self-confidence along the way needs. Yep, it can happen . . . even to a Leo.
Anyone at any time can lose their mojo, but Rhodochrosite can help them get it right back. It increases optimism and promotes self-love, which is so needed when you’re feeling down on yourself.

Rose Quartz
Sometimes Leos could use a little help in the area of love. That’s not because they’re not loveable, they’re just so confident and upbeat that they can sometimes tune others out and miss the signs.
That’s why Rose Quartz is such a good crystal for them. It attracts love and positive emotions.
This should also help a Leo be more open and understanding to constructive criticism. You never know where true honesty will take you in a relationship.

While you may not see Leos as needing a burst of energy because they’re so fiery, that’s exactly why they need a burst. Leos are so fiery and full of energy; they can easily burn out.
Shungite can help with this, as it has the energy needed to keep going to complete all those goals.

Sunstone is heavily affiliated to the Sun, just as the name suggests, but is available in more colors than yellow. Some of the colors you’ll see in the Sunstone are brown, peach, pink, orange, gold, and red, and the colors really pop when exposed to the light.
Sunstone is a symbol of self-empowerment and radiates gentile energy, and is great for leaders to help with clarity, physical strength, personal power, and overall generosity. Also, good leaders create other leaders, and sunstone helps to boost innate benevolence, which good leaders need to help others.

Tiger’s Eye
This stone helps to balance emotions, which is helpful to the Leo who is naturally super-charged and ready for business. Tiger’s Eye will help them to stay sharp so they can be even more successful.
This stone also helps to ward off those jealous and envious people who are often trying to keep up with a Leo.

Using Your Crystals
Many crystals exist and anyone can benefit from them. But when you combine the right crystal with your horoscope sign, the benefits are even greater. The right crystals can help you connect to your purpose.
As in the case of the Leo, who have so many great things going for them already, it only makes sense to enhance that with any one of these stones. With any crystal, it’s important to set your intention for it.
Beyond that, what should you do? So, now that you know the best crystals for Leo, here’s what to do next …
If you’re one who meditates, using crystals will be a breeze, as you can add them to your meditation routine. Simply hold the crystal in one or both hands as you go through your routine.

If you don’t meditate, now is as good a time as any to start. As you’re holding the crystal in your hand(s), close your eyes and focus on breathing.
Meditation helps bring awareness to our surroundings and the crystal will help with that. Not all crystals may feel the same during meditation, and not all will resonate. So be patient, but practice.
The more you practice and become familiar with the routine, the more likely you’ll yield results.
As with meditation, you can also use your crystal during yoga. Placing the crystal on your yoga mat and keeping it there during your yoga practice helps to bring peace and tranquility during your workout.
Carry it With You
Carry your crystal around with you as this keeps you in close contact with it. And the more contact you have with it, the better.

Carry it in your pocket, around your neck, in your purse, or wherever it feels close to you so you can harness the energy. It’s even okay to just hold it in your hand as you’re walking or sitting.
Place it On You
This is not new to anyone familiar with chakra (root, heart, crown, third-eye), as crystals have more effect when they are placed directly on the body. Place the stone on the part of the body that represents the chakra you’re working on healing.
As you research your stones more, decide if there is a Leo crystal that also addresses a specific chakra.
It’s not unusual to see crystals strategically placed as decorative pieces in meditation or yoga studios. You can also do that at home.
If you want to always have a certain energy in your presence while at home, place the crystals throughout your personal space. You can use clusters of small stones or make a major statement with large stones.

This is so important that I’ll re-emphasize — the most important thing about crystals is setting your intention. Once you do that, crystals can be used in almost any capacity, even for self-care. Take your crystal with you on a spa day or place them in your bath. (Just make sure they’re water safe!) Crystals should be cleansed from time to time anyway.