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99 Crystals for Strength: Unlock the Power Within

Different crystals give off different energies. Some are better for making you feel strong and more powerful than others.

If you’ve ever walked into a local crystal store, you’ll understand why it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. They’re all so pretty!

crystals for strength

These are some of the best crystals for inner work in the area of personal power.

Table of Contents

First, a Strength Tarot Reading

Strength tarot readings are especially powerful because they can help us see the power we already have within, even while facing a difficult or even insurmountable problem. Inevitably, some scenarios call for strength:

The 9 of Wands (Spiritual Strength), Strength (Power), and the 3 lowest chakra cards from The Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck.
  • facing a toxic relationship such as a bully at school or an overbearing boss at work
  • facing heartbreak or loss
  • giving that presentation for the first time.

Whatever your situation, we are going to help you find the right crystal (or crystals!) for improving resilience, conquering the unknown, and finding your inner tiger!

Before we get into it, I’ll be referring to the chakras quite a bit, so I will just break down the definitions of each in case you’re unfamiliar.

I hand-picked crystals associated with the base, sacral, and solar plexus chakras.

crystals to unlock your strength

What are Chakras?

The chakras are located in different parts of the body, starting from the base of the spine and working up to the top of the head. They are homes of life energy.

If we experience dis-ease in physical areas, these are intimately connected with the intellect and emotive centers. A dis-ease is a physical symptom that can’t be explained medically but is triggered by hormones in the body.

A common dis-ease I hear about is if someone experiences a stomach ache before a breakup, it doesn’t mean they hated their food. Instead, it can be a sign from their solar plexus chakra to get the courage to take action.

Chakras can be either in balance or out of balance. If you ever wake up underslept or with a hangover, you’ll understand what I mean by out-of-balance chakras.

the 7 chakras

Crystals however can work with different glands in the body to raise your vibration, which in turn impacts how you are perceived when you walk into a room.

What Chakras are Associated With Strength?

Without further ado, here is an explanation for the base, sacral, and solar plexus chakras, which are what all these crystals are associated with.

Base Chakra

  • Affirmation: “I have.”
  • Color: Red
  • Gland: Adrenal (base of the spine)
Root chakra

Like Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, we see this activated on the Survivor show because it’s all about finding proper resources. Without food, water, and shelter, we can’t move up into the other chakras.

For more on crystals for supporting the root chakra, you can read this post.

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