99 Crystals for Strength: Unlock the Power Within
Table of Contents
Sacral Chakra
- Affirmation: “I want.”
- Color: Orange
- Gland: Ovaries/Testicles

This chakra typically comes up as an issue if we aren’t listening to our inner desires and needs. Like an inner child, our sacral chakra helps us make decisions quickly before considering logic or reason.
To learn more about crystals for building confidence to ask for what you want, tap this post here.
Solar Plexus Chakra
- Affirmation: “I can.”
- Color: Yellow
- Gland: Pancreas

This chakra often comes up for me in the middle of the day. I’ve had my rest, morning workout, and breakfast to support the base chakra. I’ve chosen my outfit and coffee recipe to support the sacral chakra. The solar plexus often comes up at work.
For more information on stones for solar plexus chakra, you can read about it here.
But what about the other chakras?
The heart chakra and higher deal with more sensitive energies that aren’t quite suitable for strength work, although if you feel called to incorporate crystals from those, we won’t judge! You know what’s best for your practice. This is simply a guide to help you optimize your experience with crystal healing.
Each one will have a link to where you can get the stone in the gemstone’s title.
Top Crystals for Courage and Strength
1. Tiger’s Eye

Chakra: Solar Plexus
I just had to rank tiger’s eye first as it reminds me of the classic 1982 song “Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor, but it also reminds me of the Strength card in the Rider Waite, which depicts a woman taming a lion.

Of course, there’s no lion’s eye crystal (I wish) but as the tiger’s eye shines in the light as you hold it in your calm, it captures it in a very direct way.

I’ve experienced firsthand the power of this special crystal. The good news is they are becoming more common on the market today. Sorry for the puns, but it’s true, this crystal will help you tame your inner tiger.
2. Red (Cave Creek) Jasper
Chakra: Root
This beautiful and affordable stone is great for grounding with nature, as it emulates the Arizona rivers it comes from, the Grand Canyon rocks, and some varieties even reflect sunny skies.

I love this stone for getting outside as this empowers me to face the force of nature and safely combat any of nature’s demons with a strong will and power.
3. Red Garnet (Pyrope)
Chakra: Root
The birthstone of January, this stone is great for Capricorns and Aquarius. Garnets are generally easy to find, making them one of my favorites for jewelry making.
Garnet is known for dispelling nightmares, protecting during travels, and attracting luck and wealth to the wearer.

It’s great for those working anywhere from a cash register to running a business, to travel nursing. Dark varieties are good for washing away illusions and getting serious before a meeting.
4. Red Amethyst
Chakra: Root
This affordable but rare stone has a gentler approach for strength healing.

Because of its more purple-y hue, red amethyst is a powerful tool for removing negative energies in the lower chakras and getting out of survival mode. If you can get your hands on it, it will heal your root chakra in a spiritually uplifting way.
5. Red Ruby
Chakra: Root
This luxurious beauty comes in a wide array of varieties that we will explore later in this article. Ruby symbolizes passionate love so crystal healers love this one for leaving an old relationship and starting a new one.

Wearing this gorgeous stone will give you the strength and boldness to love yourself, first.